…sure do, LP!

Recently, after a night of heavy conservative alcohol abuse, I wound up at Chicago’s famous* Diner Grill with some friends. At said diner, there’s a bit of a challenge to all patrons…

Finish a slinger and we’ll give you a piece of paper.

Fuck you Diner Grill. No 24/7 restaurant is going to issue me a pointless challenge, especially when I’m all hopped up on fighting Irish whiskey.

First, let’s take a step back and discuss what a slinger is.

  • Take 2 hamburger patties and fry them to what I hope is medium
  • Add 2 slices of cheese to each
  • Layer with a crap-ton of hashbrowns
  • I believe the 2 sunny side up eggs come next
  • Smother in chili

That was inside me. Then I pooped it.

Now, in hindsight, I doubt it’s the amount of food that’s the challenge. It’s the testing of the whole “my body is a temple, but I’m allowing a deadly combination of shit into it” thing. Oof. Well, with the poison running through our system, we got a little nuts. Some food was fought with and some Hank Williams** was played on the juke box. Below is video evidence, in which I drunkenly plug Octavarius.com even though it was going on the site anyway. Hope you guys visit Octavarius.com after you check this post out! Derr!

*it’s not that famous

**more than likely was Lady Gaga