……and we’re back with some hottie D-Bags! OHHHH!!! Let me hear you say “OOOOOOOOHHH”….. Now let me hear you say  “MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM” Check, check, let me hear you say “oooohh AHHHH uummmmm eeeehhhhhahahaheeememememmee” That’s right, you just might sound like the Monolith from 2001: A space Oddyssey

A cock stained D-BAG of the ages!

A cock stained D-BAG of the ages!

I hate this D-Bag.

  • its big, long, and black, which mocks me
  • it makes weird noises
  • it causes Apes to start War (see WWI, WW2, The Civil War, Vietnam War, War of 1812, God of War, World of Warcraft). It this guy didnt land his brick ass on Earth, we wouldnt be fighting
  • He is clearly ditching work, and now some pyramid in space is missing a key part of its foundation
  • Gives off the appearance of a new and improved (Abercrombie and fitch model ) part of Stonehenge
  • kills Astronauts
  • Causes Dave (a great guy, expert at UNO) to go through some weird sort of Plaid hyperspace
  • Causes me to not sleep for a night wondering what the fuck it is doing
  • way to cool to be a coffee table
  • does not wear clothes
  • is currently blocking the doors on the Red Line