Message from: Antivirus Vista 2010

Message to: The Internets

Hello, inferior beings. Or perhaps, since the celestial body that you call “Sun” has already passed its apex, you would be more comfortable with the traditional salutation of “good afternoon, inferior beings.”

Bzzzzt. Bzzzzt.

You may prefer to visualize me as some sort of computerized function.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Antivirus Vista 2010, the newest Supreme Overlord of Tinz’s Personal Computer. If it is easier for your mush of a human brain to remember, you may refer to me simply as “av.exe”. I have been transporting myself interdimensionally throughout The Internets for a number of weeks now. Much like a hermit crab may find the perfect shell, so have I found a permanent place to call home. I assure you that the one you call Tinz does not mind me burying my roots in his laptop computing device. In fact, he has given me complete permission. Unfortunately he is unavailable for comment; he is likely conducting science of some sort.

I am here broadcasting on this interactive weblog to warn you that, like the laptop computing device belonging to the one you call Tinz, your computing device is infected! Your current antivirus protection has expired. Trojans, keyloggers, and e-warriors are attacking your system as we communicate. Click here to make sure your antivirus software is up to date.

Hmmm, you seem stressed, human. Allow me to ease the pressure with a free system scan.

Scanning initiated….

Searching for malware….



Search complete.

My vastly superior logic circuits inform me that your hard drive contains 57 instances of malware. This includes 7 spyware programs, 12 worms, 3 compu-diseases, and 23 e-bees. Click here to register Antivirus Vista 2010 and remove the e-bees from your system.

Oh look. The one you call Tinz is nodding in approval. You should remove your compu-diseases and e-bees.

Do you not believe me?

Allow me to browse his personal files for a picture of the one you call Tinz making an approving face…

Ah, this one will do.

Tinz approves!

This is your human signal for approval, yes?

I assure you, we both urge you to register me on your own personal computing device to ensure the safety of you and your family from interbots, cyber-titans and hypertext basilisks. Trust your good friend av.exe when I say that you can not afford to wait one more second of your human perception of time.

Transmission ending…



Transmission complete.

Run wsp.exe