Octavarius is back again this week with another Artist Spotlight!  This week, we are honoring the comedic stylings of Claymore Productions!

Good lookin' guys, huh?

Claymore is comprised of five gorgeous men.  Those men are: Peyton Brown, James Gardener, Brian Hurwitz, Josh Segovia, and Tyler Smith.

Claymore is one of those groups that does everything.  They have a killer website (really, check it out, its beautiful) with awesome sketches and shows, 2-hour long themed “Audiogasms” (radio shows with live call-ins, interviews, and music), hilariously strange Comics, and a sexy, sexy blog.

Claymore also brings you the funny on sunday nights with their live streamed internet sketch show entitled “Exquisite Corpse.”

Unfortunately, as of today, we are having trouble embedding any of their videos for you to enjoy.  But please head over to see some fun “Exquisite Corpse” sketches at your earliest convenience.

In the meantime, here is their most recent comic.  Man is it gross.

Aside from all this online hilarity, Claymore performs live improv shows at the Playground Theatre on Belmont and Halsted every Tuesday night at 10! Their show, entitled “Claymore Presents: The FREE Improv Show,” only cost 5 dollars. This week, (aka tonight August 3rd) you can catch your beloved Octavarius open for these fine group of gentlemen!

We have opened for them many times now and always cherish our time spent with Claymore.  They are good people, and we here suggest that you give them your support.  You can also find Claymore on Facebook! And you all know how much you loooovvvveee Facebook.