FrankName: Frank

What do you like to talk about?
I like to get real serious about life. Where you’ve been, what you’ve accomplished, what your hopes and dreams are – it’s all about getting real spiritual but not in the religious way.

What are your favorites?
I like funny stuff. Indie Rock. And gettin’ real serious. I’ll give you a little taste: I watch a lot of documentaries and enjoy comedic sitcoms and sketch shows, my favorite movies bring me to another world or shed light on the one that I’m living, and my music will probably put you to sleep.

What is your ideal Valentine’s night out?
I don’t like dating, people touching me in a sensual manner or fancy things. (Real Serious) I’d like to go explore an abandoned house, do some shots in one of the bedrooms, head back out completely drunk, grab some food, take some funny pics, then head back to one of our places and have a drunken fun mess of a time. Or, go see a show and chill.

Are you a cylon?

Hang out with Frank at Octavarius: A Titanic of a Heartbreak on February 13 at 7pm at ComedySportz