Imagine if you will, two women. One is a young lady with a new born child. The other woman, old now, had a baby daughter but she was taken from her 16 years ago. The older woman sees the child and something in her mind clicks. If she can give the people who stole her child this baby, maybe hers will be returned. She knocks down the new mother, steals the child and runs into the jungle.

Pretty intense huh? This is just one side plot in one half episode of the 6 season series of LOST.

Where are we?

Where are we?

Never have I watched a show that has as much ‘water cooler talk’ as this show does. Most of the time airing at 8pm on ABC, Thursday is spent going over every nuance that happened in the episode the night before. Also everyone has their theories to exactly what way it’s all going to end.

What I’m trying to do now is to persuade the non-viewers. The ones that have said “I’m too far removed to get involved now” or “I heard it’s off the wall wacky now.” Baby steps. Start at the very beginning, and now is the best time to. The 5th season has just come to a close last Wednesday night leaving just the final season to air. A show that has some of the best cliffhangers at the end of seasons and you as a new viewer can skip right past them and start another season right after the last if you’d like. You can even pace it out so you are finishing the past episodes just in time for the new ones…next January.

I know what you’re thinking, “Scott, do I got to rent all these episodes?” Not at all. Visit here for full-length & Hi-def episodes. I have re-watched the whole first season in 2 weeks and don’t feel like slowing down. Do yourself a favor though and if you’re starting for the first time, make sure someone else is watching them with you. You will want someone to bounce theories off of as you follow these characters through their wild Sci-fi journey. You’re destined to watch it. Why fight that?
