Hey everybody!  You may remember a time when I educated you on the crazy people who obsess over their cats.  Well, I am back again to inform you of pet owners that are far dumber than any crazy cat lady.

But first, a reminder of what a Crazy Cat Lady is.

Moving on.

There is a show on Animal Planet called “Fatal Attractions.”  The show deals with idiots who think that exotic, wild animals should be kept as pets.  They live with these beasts of nature until, inevitably, the animal kills and eats a human.  Sometimes it’s the owner that gets eaten, sometimes its the owner’s friend.  Either way, it shouldn’t have come as a surprise.  Owning wild animals is as stupid as Will Smith secretly masquerading as a squirrel.

Once I found this picture, I had no choice but to post it regardless of irrelevance.

Anyway, back to the purpose of this post, if you have a few minutes and think you can stomach the carnage of actual 911 calls about a chimp mauling their friend, then head over here to a plethora of dramatic recreations mixed with pictures and clips of real, horrible wild animal attacks.

Oh yeah, and have a great fucking Wednesday!