It’s nice to know that the same guys who I rocked out to in high school can still make fun music. I remember back in ’01, trying to cover a Green Day song with my band, the Sideline Superheroes (named for my brief and uninspired football career).

We spent ten minutes learning the song, and then the next fifty asking, “Is it really that simple?” It was. That’s one of the best things about Green Day; they play simple songs that are very fun.  In fact, I’d say Green Day’s fun to chord ratio is probably the highest of any group that plays their own instruments. Especially over their lifetime as a band when you think of how many of their songs use the same chords.

They also have fun outside their music, and I think that, more than anything else, has allowed them to stay together. I submit this video as evidence:

Those guys are at work in that video.  That’s their job.

Thanks to Mindy for sending the Green Day Keyboard Cat link.