Cartoon from  the XKCD archives

Cartoon from the XKCD archives

Some thoughts:

The guy from XKCD thinks that the “That’s what she said” jokes, in the original form, have run their course.  So my question is, what are our alternatives to “That’s what she said”?  And how to avoid people that say “That’s what she said” altogether?

Maybe I’m just being a jerk, but I find it so uncreative to just say “That’s what she said.” after a casual sentence that might be construed as sexual.  I like the cartoon’s idea of saying it when it would have no reasonable way of making sense, but I don’t know if that would really change the status quo.  Does anyone else agree/disagree?

UPDATE: Octavarius has come up with multiple alternatives from “I heard her say that!” to “She said that!” to “Lady be talkin’!”. Check it out: “Am I right, Ladies?