Smush is a very dumb game that has recently come to our attention, and we wanted to share so everyone can play.

How to play Smush

Smush is basically the “Before and After” game from Wheel of Fortune. You take two unrelated things, where Thing A ends with the bbeginning of Thing B. For example:

“A pasta dish and a famous presidential address”

would be

“Spaghettisberg Address”

All you have to do is think of two words that share that common sound, and then come up with a clue that doesn’t use those words to describe it.

Boom! You’re now playing Smush.

All we ask is that you publish your own Smushes and include this link: (a shortened link to this post)

so that people who don’t know about Smush can join the party.

I leave you with this:

“A popular collectable card game, and a deadly children’s song”

Please continue Smushing in the comments. I need your help collecting butt kicking examples.