I discovered MANswers recently, needing something to fill the void left when Battlestar Galactica went off the air; and it has quickly become my favorite current TV show.  It’s geared toward a male audience, and is filled with everything I as a MAN am genetically predisposed to, like explosions and “hot chicks.” No shot lasts longer than one second, and girls are the only things that don’t explode.  My favorite is when they have “expert” testimony.

This is a five minute clip of them answering the questMAN (out name for what is MANswered) “Should an athlete have sex before the big gam?”

If you got to the MANswers website you can see a new questMAN.  As I write this, they are MANswering “What’s the best way to have sex while scuba diving?”

MANswers official site