I love movies.  they give and they give and i take and i take.  its the perfect relationship.  but sometimes movies give their audiences no credit and i say “NO!  NO!!  NnnoOO!  you can’t do that!” .  some say i am asking too much.  that its just a movie.  well FUCK you!  i paid good money for this horse shit and a lot of people worked hard on the film.  so it better fucking make sense to me.  don’t fucking tell me how the movie is just a movie.  no shit, Sherlock!  i know what a fucking movie is.  but there’s little flubs and then there are fuck ups.  these are the fuck ups:

What women want, starring mel gibson:

"oh wow, you have god like powers!"

"oh wow, you have god like powers!"

Plot:  man is sitting in tub being mel gibson, when all of the sudden he is electrocuted and now he can read women’s minds and shenanigans ensue.


so essentially, he has telepathy.  FUCKING TELEPATHY!  he is telepathic and he uses his powers to do what?  fix his relationships with woman.  oh fucking brilliant!  why not do ANYTHING else?  he could know anything from any woman. he could be a millionaire with a talk show displaying his super human powers.  or he could just be king of the world.  i would vote for a guy with telepathy.  he could work for the CIA reading peoples minds but NOOOOOooooOO.  just because he can read women’s minds doesn’t make it any less amazing!  so are the producers saying woman don’t know anything?  sexist pigs, am i right ladies?

Garfield the movie

i hate mondays, and God's design.

plot: man has cat and it talks to him and is lazy and sassy and bill murry.

bullshit:  Cats can’t FUCKING Talk!

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

ewwww, you're a freak!

ewwww, you're a freak!

plot:  in new orleans, a baby is born and ages backwards, curiously, from old to young.

bullshit:  so, everyone is cool with that?  he ages backwards.  are you insane??  do you know how fucking weird that is?  you realize that no living thing does that right?  like ever in history, nothing does that.  and yet no one seems to mind or care that this abomination is around and aging backwards.  HE’S A MONSTER!  if this movie were real, it would take place on an autopsy table for two hours with doctors ripping open brad pitt seeing what went wrong.  fuck you Benjamin button!!!  freaks don’t get to bang cate blanchett!

Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

all the action, none of the brains.

all the action, none of the brains.

Plot:  something about brad pitt and Angelina Jolie both being spy assassins and being married to each other and not knowing….wait for it….that THE OTHER ONE IS AN ASSASSIN!!  *gasp*  I KNOW!

Bullshit:  really?  NIether of those two miserable fucks figured it out.  NEither one?!  are they the two Stupidest assassins?  the house was FILLED with guns.  FILLED!  as a highly trained operative, which i assume they were.  you’d think they would have run into a gun that was hidden in the armoir and been like “hey!  the fuck is this?  this isn’t MY gun?  THEN THAT MEANS……!”  But no, they were just too lazy to investigate.  if you like the film you are an idiot, TINZ.