Nope, that wasn't the suggestion.  It just sounded like it.

Nope, that wasn't the suggestion. It just sounded like it.

In Monday night’s rumble, we tied for first out of two total teams; and took home half of the grand prize, a bottle of Boon’s Farm.

Our suggestion was not peanuts, as we thought, but we went with the actual suggestion and had a good clean show.

Some highlights include:

  • Bob the Builder’s smoke break
  • Batman and Robin getting asked to the prom
  • Finding out what religion Keith is

I thought there was something about the Men in Black, but I was informed that that scene was merely swamp gas reflecting off a weather balloon.

Thanks to everyone who made it out on Monday.  Let’s do it again sometime… soon… maybe on Monday June 1st at Mullens!

Let us know what you thought of the show in the comments.  If you’d like to remain anonymous use our feedback form.  Thanks again.