I’m sure you’re all aware that September 19th is International Talk Like A Pirate Day, and on that day our show at ComedySportz will honor our brothers and sisters on the seas with a pirate theme. This week’s podcast will give you all of the pirate knowledge you’ll need to “STAY AFLOAT” in a society where pirates are bigger, badder, and sexier than ever. Included:

  • Discover which Octavarius member was named in the Metallica/Napster lawsuit.
  • Hear about Lauren’s depressing Peter Pan fantasy.
  • We finally settle the age-old pirates vs. ninjas debate. CASE CLOSED. You can all stop talking about it now.
  • Learn why bunk beds and Mikula are a terrible combination.
  • We find out how Google can ruin itself in less than 24 hours.

Hey! Have you not heard our other 32 podcast episodes? Then go to our iTunes page and download them for free! Yarrrr?

Umm. When were these made? And how can I get one NOW?