I’m a big video game fan.  I’ve been playing games since I was 3 years old.

If you asked me what my all time favorite game is, I’d tell you it’s The Legend of Zelda on the NES.

That’s why I got all tingly when Shogan introduced me to The Legend of Neil.

Created and produced by Sandeep Parikh and Tony Janning, The Legend of Neil is an episodic web series about Neil – a guy who gets into a fight with his girlfriend, gets drunk, and gets sucked into the world of The Legend of Zelda.

Watching the first couple of episodes I was entertained at the homage to the original LoZ.  It was well done and had some funny moments, but overall I was left wanting more.  This may be because I’ve probably logged over 1000 hours in the various Zelda worlds in my lifetime, and I’m a stickler for the little details.

The beginning episodes were by no means bad, but mildly entertaining.   There’s some clever uses of the Old Man character, Octoroks, etc.  If you’re familiar with Street Fighter: The Later Years, you might know what I’m talking about.

However… After episode 3, everything changes when Neil enters the Level One dungeon.  I would write out all of the hilariousness that ensues but I don’t want to spoil the jokes for you.  Trust me when I say these guys know The Legend of Zelda front and back, and have come up with some very clever, very funny viewpoints on the LoZ world.

There’s jokes about Neil getting healed by Fairies.  Jokes about the shop keeper and how items are bought.  The conversations between Gannon and the Wizzrobes are priceless.  And my favorite – the conversation Neil has about the key hidden inside one of the Stalfos.

This is video game/comic gold, people.  Start on Episode I, and continue until Episode VIII when you cry for more.