Marc, Brian, and I have been discussing for months how cool it would be to all own Snuggies. Not cool like convertibles and expensive haircuts are cool….I mean cool like wearing lab coats and drinking out of Erlenmeyer flasks is cool. Wel, it took only one trip to Bed, Bath, and Beyond for this dream to become a reality. The three of us now own the famed “Blanket That Has Sleeves”. Some immediate positive points of us allĀ  having Snuggies:

1. We can now dress up as wizards. When you’re looking at our fronts.

2. We can go to Cubs games wearing Snuggies. Yes, just like in the commercials.

3. Just like in the ads, the store-bought Snuggies still come with the free book light.

4. Even better – BWo’s book light was broken before he even took it out of the package.

5. CON: These have no backs to them. PRO: Nobody can tell that they have no backs if we’re also wearing our lab coats.

Umm, I did a Google image search for "Snuggies" and this is what I found.

Umm, I did a Google image search for "Snuggies" and this is what I found.