This was a question recently posed by the Onion AV Club in their Q&A section:

“Is there a piece of pop culture that absolutely, 100 percent never fails to make you laugh? (Or at least smile?)”

The AV Club is always a good read and they bring up some good ones.  I was wondering what y’all considered a surefire laugh every time.

Here’s some from my list.

  • The Three Stooges.  Before they got too old.  It was nothing but zaniness and ridiculous slapstick violence.  I’ve always considered the Stooges hilarious for all ages.  In my experience, it doesn’t matter how old you are, Curly getting poked in the eye is just funny.
  • Tom and Jerry.  Again, classic tv violence.  I can watch Tom & Jerry with my grandparents, Day Camp kids, or a bunch of stoner college kids and its always hysterical.
  • The Golden Age of the Simpsons.  The Simpsons ain’t quite what it used to be these days, but man oh man was it funny between seasons 2 and season 7ish?  The softball episode never fails to make me laugh.
  • Phil Hartman on SNL.  I recently rewatched the Best of Phil Hartman and I couldn’t stop laughing.

I know there’s a ton more.  I’ll post em as they come to me.  In the meantime, what makes all y’all laugh no matter how many times you’ve seen it?

Also, here’s a link to the Onion AV Club where they pose the same question to their writers and readers.