If you read this website, statistics show that you most likely find the show “Arrested Development” to be hilarious. More than that, you firmly believe that it was canceled way before its time. I’m right there with you. While it’s true that they could have squeezed comedy juices out of Michael Cera and David Cross for a few more seasons, we should really be thankful we got a solid three seasons before Michael Cera knocked up Ellen Paige and had to leave the show to be a Man. Some shows don’t even get a second season, hell, some don’t even get to finish airing their first. A lot  of these shows are garbage, but a few are pure genius, that for some reason or another, just don’t quite seem to make it. So welcome to my first installment of “Shows that I watched that were amazing, but a few years ahead of their time so never really got a fighting chance”

The Provocation of this article comes from the fact that today I decided to watch an episode of “Clone High”

What an unlikley group of characters!

“Clone High” is an animated series from around 2003ish about a High School filled with students who are genetic clones of historical figures. I vaguely remember watching like 2 episodes of it on MTV, but never heard from it again until years later when the internet was in full force and obscure show’s were easier to come by. After viewing the entire series, I’m positive it would have been a long running hit, had anyone actually heard of it. It is centered around Abe Lincoln, his best friends Gandhi and Joan of Arc, his Rival JFK, and his love interest Cleopatra. While you could easily read the Wikipedia page to learn more about this show, I figure I’ll give you a few reasons to go watch this show.

Fun Theme Song:

The theme song is really catchy and fun to sing, but more importantly, it explains the entire setting of the show so they don’t have to spend 2 or 3 episodes doing it. Did I mention it (and most of the show’s music) was written by Liam Lynch?

Cool Guest Stars:

For a unheard of show in its first season they managed to get some great guest stars. Luke Perry, Ashley Angel, Andy Dick, Michael J. Fox, Marilyn Manson, Tom Green, Jack Black, Mandy Moore and John Stamos, just to name a few(most).

Marilyn Manson sings a song about the Food Pyramid!

Who would do this to John Stamos?

Musical Episode:

Everyone’s favorite episode of any TV series is the musical episode. Never before has a show dared to do a musical episode in the first season (citation needed). Not only was it a musical episode, it was a Rock Opera, parodying mostly Pink Floyd’s The Wall, and The Who’s Tommy. It’s filled with crazy subliminal messages, and backwards talking that you need to reverse on your computer to understand and it is about smoking raisins and a means of getting high.

Can you spot the secret message?

The Show had almost nothing to do with the Plot:

As I explained earlier, the show is takes place in a high school filled with clones of historical figures. What I didn’t mention is that that show ignores this fact like 80% of the time. The show is just filled with that nonsense off the wall smart-dumb humor that we just love to love. Even when JFK and Abe are running for class president, they don’t do TOO much to call to attention that they are former presidents of The USA.

Henry the Eighth, YOU'RE IN!

All in all it’s a great show and deserved to be on TV at least as a few seasons longer. There are only 13 episodes, so go give them a viewing. If you feel I have caused you to waste your time in anyway, leave a comment here and tell me what you possibly would have done with that time that I deprived you of.