Places to PeeI’m not talking about angrily flaunting your defecation here, nothing mean.  But if you really had to go out back and relieve yourself  you’d be giggling the whole time.  Please add you own favorites in the comments below.

(To the caretakers of these locations: Don’t be mad. This is not a threat.  I have next to no follow through)

1.  The Rose Gardens at Versailles – Just think of all the time and effort they spend keeping it pristine.  Think of all the famous international treaties signed there.  And now you’re peeing on it.

2.  The Sphinx – Any wonder of the world is a winner in my book.  Especially the classics, before Civilizations II let every monument and it’s grandma on the list.  But there’s just something about an ancient pharaoh’s half-lion statue that I find hilarious.

3. The Epcot Ball – I don’t know how this would be done, but life will find a way.

4.  Old Faithful – Just to mess with it.

5.  George Lucas – Payback for Episode I.

6.  Coral Reef – I have a personal vendetta against coral.

7.  The Moon