Hello wonderful friends! I am back again with yet another installment of Fast Food Quest!

What treat did I have the pleasure to enjoy the other day? Why, none other than a meal from the Colonel Himself!

Ahhhhh…. Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Let’s look at my meal, shall we?

Chicken Strips, mashed potatoes, a biscuit, and a travesty

Let’s start with them Chicken Strips!

Wow, these really couldn’t be more average.  Too Dry, garbage breading, but totally edible.  I got Honey Mustard and Ranch for dipping.  The mashed potatoes became victim to the dipping as well, but in the end, mostly I dipped the strips in the ranch.  It did the best job.

You’d think that a fried chicken place would have… you know, good fried chicken.  Whatever.  Guess I’m just a big ol’ boner or something.  Bawk Bawk Bawk.

I give the chicken strips 2 out of 4 fat goats.

Now let’s hit up that Biscuit!

It was fine.  Really, there’s not much else to say about it.  I think I enjoy Burger King’s biscuit more.  Normally the biscuits at KFC are pretty good, but this KFC had average biscuits at best.

The biscuit gets a 2 out of 4 dumb travel coffee mugs

Mashed potatoes and and completely equal portion of gravy? Ok?! sure! Why not! Whatever.

These were fine.  They are what they are.  Instant potatoes and gravy that surely comes in a 2 gallon plastic bag.  They are ok, but who are we kidding when we pretend to be excited?  Does anyone really, and I mean REALLY love these mashed potatoes?  Is it just that we have mashed potatoes so infrequently in our lives?  Thanksgiving and Christmas right? Maybe once at a fancy (and I mean, like, as good a Chili’s or better) restaurant?  Buh.  I don’t know what I’m trying to get at here.

I give the potatoes an average score.  2 out of 4 barns that look like excited caterpillars

Now let’s get to the travesty KFC calls Macaroni and Cheese.

Holy Fucking God Dick. This has to be the worst thing I’ve had.  Even worse than that stupid Arby’s “milkshake” from FFQ 4. Oh god.  I took one bite, and was in disbelief.  I thought, “no way is it really this bad.  I better take another bite just to see.”  So I took another bite.  “Holy fucking god dick.  This is complete garbage.”

I tried to eat it, but I just couldn’t stand over 4 bites.  The cheese was like imitation “imitation cheese.”  It was grainy and awful and confusing and infuriating.  NEVER GET IT.  NEVER NEVER.

The KFC Macaroni and Cheese gets the first 0 out of 4 rating I’ve given in FFQ.

No stupid picture.  Deal with it.