As many of you know, we here at Octavarius love us some Blackhawks.  So when the Chicago Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup, we had to be a part of the celebration.  So, this past friday, Tinz, Bwo, beloved friend Klahsio, and I all attended the parade!

trolly trolly trolly trolly!

This is a video I took on my iPhone from 5 floors up in a parking garage.  We were behind a pane of glass, but the crowd was deafening all the same.  Enjoy, and allow Bwo to announce every hockey player in the parade for you.

We then went to the delicious Billy Goat Tavern and got double cheeseborgers.  Friday!

tinz did a great job of making it into this picture.

It was a fantastic day of celebration and we owe it all to the Chicago Blackhawks.  Three cheers for our wonderful hockey team!