What does (wink) mean and why is it here?

The Wink Game started a long time ago, during some dumb, evening when we were all watching a movie where the say the title in the movie.  For example, in Back to the Future when Doc says “Marty, we have to go back… to the future!”

Sometimes these titular lines are so obvious that it’s almost like the character turned to the camera and winked.  That idea was so funny to us at the time, that we made it the  entire premise of a game.

How do I play The Wink Game?

Easy.  Here are all the known cases of winking.

  1. Every time you are watching a movie and someone in the movie says the title, you say “Wink!”.  (Usually in a high pitched voice)
  2. Every time you’re watching a movie and they happen to say the title of another movie, you say “Wink”.
  3. Every time you hear the title of a movie said by accident in conversation, like, “Man, I am trying hard to do the right thing.” or “It’s so dry.  I just want it to rain, man.”  Try to avoid winking movie title when they’re said as movie titles, like “Hey guys let’s watch that movie Zodiac.”  It’s not wrong, but it’s just boring.
Are movies the only things I can wink?

Not at all. Since its inception, the wink game has grown to cover movies, books, poems, songs, bands, famous people, web sites, whatever else.

When to wink responsibly

There are many wonderful times to wink, but there are cases where it is not appropriate.  Wedding ceremonies, funerals, job interviews, executions, hanging out with people who don’t like puns or similar humor.  I’ll leave it up to you to make the final call, but just remember to wink responsibly.