I just finished watching HBO’s documentary, Thank You, Mr. President, which is a 45 minute film with Helen Thomas commenting on her past 60+ years as a member of the White House Press Corp. Helen entered the White House Press Corp in 1960 as one of the few women in such an elite position. She has questioned 10 Presidents and is one of the most respected members of the Press Corp. She has always maintained a mantra that it is important to “put [Presidents] in their place, which is [that they are] one of us.” That’s something that, for me, is easy to forget.

Throughout her life she has maintained a healthy skepticism about the world. Which I would like to maintain as well. I want to make it clear that skepticism should not be confused with cynicism. I define skepticism as a doubt that an absolute truth can be found. I like to think that as humorists, we at Octavarius maintain a healthy skepticism about the world. We rail against cynicism and do our best to prove to the world that fun is everywhere and it’s up to us to find it.

Although Helen’s job carries a burden of asking tough questions of Presidents Republican and Democrat [I could not find video of this question, but here is my transcript of it (HT: [President Clinton] Despite the ongoing investigation, you felt no constraint in saying what your relationship with Monica Lewinsky is not, was not. So it seems, by logic, that you ought to be able to say, here and now, what was your relationship. Her lawyers called it “colleagues” is that an apt description?] Helen has managed to find fun.

Helen said in the film that, aside from some mild flirting, she never got an interview or answers due to her sexuality. Helen, I’d go on a date with you. And I’d love to hear what you’ve got to say.