Talk about discrimination. I guess in Thailand they’re still okay using panda-face.

If this isn't for Halloween then it's offensive.

If this isn't for Halloween then it's offensive.

The real story is that the elephant, Thailand’s national symbol, has been neglected after the birth of a female panda cub at a Bangkok zoo. Since the birth, Thailand has been in panda-monium, and the zookeepers who tend the once proud elephants, decided to take matters into their own hands… by painting the elephants to look like pandas.

The zookeepers were extra offended when the administration approved at 20 million Baht (or $7 (okay really like $600,000)) snow house for the new panda.

Although I have not seen any followup articles in the news, I can assume that this started a slew of species-ism, that can only end in terrible intercage violence.

Will this stop the pandamonium? Thai elephants painted to look like pandas after the black and white bears steal their fans