(As I write this post I am watching the American film classic ‘Air Force One’.)

In a world where terror and fear rule our everyday lives, there is a bright, shining hope for America: Harrison Ford.

Harrison Ford is not only a poster boy for bad-assness, but also a shining example of core American ideals: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness (also the pursuit of Replicants, Space Princesses and Fertility Idols).


A scene from the smash hit ‘Morning Glory’.

As a man, Harrison Ford has tackled the real issues: Wrongful wife murder accusation, Nazi acquisition of powerful artifacts, the dangers of carbonite freezing and his scathing documentary about Hollywood’s dismal homicide division.


“Lets blow this thing and go home!”- ‘Hollywood Homicide’

As a myth, Harrison Ford stole fire from the gods and gave it to man, posed for Michelangelo’s statue of David (see photo above), wrote the original draft of ‘We didn’t start the fire’, and caught a Giant Squid with his bear hands in order to nurse it back to health.


Spoiler Alert: Harrison Ford has Bear Hands

It is because of these myriad reasons that Mr. Ford deserves our nomination for President of Everything in 20-whenever. He will represent the best in all of us for the rest of eternity and deserves the misplaced confidence that comes with public office.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this silly, silly post, and that you have a happy holiday.