Everyone has heard of the “man crush.” Dudes idolize celebrities like Christian Bale and Conan O’Brien for their humor, good looks, and general badassery. But what’s less discussed in social circles is the “lady crush,” and it’s more prominent than you fellas think. I mean, it’s not like ladies have a list of girls they’d go lesbian for *cough* Rachel McAdams, Tina Fey, Julie Andrews *cough* but they definitely check out and admire other chicks constantly. What I’ve been trying to get at slowly is that I have a huge lady crush…on Jillian Michaels.

Jillian Michaels is the insane and awesome woman known as “TV’s Toughest Trainer.” If you’re unfamiliar, here’s a fantastic video to give you a taste:

Yes, bitch be crazy cray. Yes, she is a monster of a woman. And yes, I am in love with her. It all started with Exercise TV when I was left almost for dead after her 30 minute shred workout. But after I recovered, I saw a light! I got hooked and bought all of her addicting-as-cocaine DVDs. Jillian Michaels is super badass; she even has multiple tattoos from her early rebellious years to prove it! The best way I can describe her is a real-life, female Tony Perkis (bonus points if you catch that reference).

My cousin suggested that I buy her new book, Master Your Metabolism, and I have finished reading it in less than two days! The way she writes is very no-nonsense and surprisingly very scientific. She discusses the endocrine system and how hormone balance affects weight loss. Ridiculous abs AND brains?? In my book, that equals Total Babe. Her book is mind blowing and includes facts I bet you didn’t know, like:

-13% of women smoke just to stay skinny (GROSS!)

-Only 1/10 of our cells are human cells and the rest are bacteria (Hmm!!)

-For each can of diet soft drink consumed per day, a person’s obesity risk increases 41 percent (What?!?)

She even has her own Wii games!! Sexy.

Oh, Jillian Michaels. I don’t care if you are out of your mind, descended from demons, or easier to parody than Bill Cosby. I have a total lady crush on you and plan on being in love with you for a long while. Because really, what’s sexier than an angry person who punches things and yells commands at you? Am I right, ladies??